数据·营销·创新论坛第七期:How Less Information ImprovesMatching on A P2P Platform?
发布日期 :2018-12-06

讲座题目:How Less Information ImprovesMatching on A P2P Platform?






主讲人:Ying Lei (雷莹),北京大学光华管理学院市场营销系





Abstract: We consider atwo-sided matching scenario on a P2P platform. Each agent on one side, called"senders", sends an offer to an agent on the other side, called"receivers". A match is successful if a receiver accepts an offer.Both senders and receivers are differentiated in two dimensions, a verticalattribute like quality and a horizontal attribute like location. The utilityfrom a match increases with vertical quality and decreases with horizontaldistance for both senders and receivers. We compare equilibrium strategies andwelfare when the platform displays only horizontal, only vertical or bothhorizontal and vertical information of senders and receivers, and show thathiding vertical information always weakly improves platform profit, but havedifferent welfare effects for different types of agents.




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