



















3.国家自然科学基金青年项目,71502182,“个性化推荐何时更有效?——大数据驱动的个性化推荐与消费者决策阶段”, 2016/01-2018/12,已结题,主持。

4.国家自然科学基金重点项目,71332006,“基于全网数据的消费者行为与偏好研究”, 2014/01-2018/12,已结题,主要参与者。





(1)汪平、孙鲁平、张丽君,不同类型参照产品比较和选择的研究,管理评论,2022, 34(5): 156-166

(2)Luping Sun and Yanfei Tang,Data-Driven Discrimination, Perceived Fairness, and Consumer Trust - The Perspective of Consumer Attribution,Frontiers in Psychology, SSCI,2021, 12:748765.

(3)Wang, Ping, Luping Sun*, Lijun Zhang, and Rakesh Niraj,Reference Points in Consumer Choice Models: A Review and Future Research Agenda,International Journal of Consumer Studies, SSCI,2021, 45(5):985-1006

(4)Sun, Shuxiao, Xiaona Zheng, and Luping Sun,Multi-period pricing in the presence of competition and social influence,International Journal of Production Economics, SCI,2020, 227

(5)Xu, Ke, Luping Sun, Jin Liu, Xuening Zhu, and Hansheng Wang,A Spatial Autoregression Model with Time-Varying Coefficients,Statistics and Its Interface, SCI,2020, 13(2): 261-270

(6)Sun, Luping, Xiaona Zheng, Ying Jin, Minghua Jiang, and Hansheng Wang Estimating Promotion Effects using Big Data: A Partially Profiled LASSO Model with Endogeneity Correction,Decision Sciences, SSCI,2019, 50(4): 816-846

(7)Ping Wang, Luping Sun, Rakesh Niraj, Jaihak Chung, and Meng Su,Incorporating reference products into modeling consumer choice decision: A mixtures-of-experts model,Decision Support Systems, SCI,2019, 119(April): 85-95

(8)Zheng, Xiaona, Luping Sun*, and Andy A. Tsay (2018),“Distribution Channel Strategies and Retailer Collusion in a Supply Chain with Multiple Retailers,”Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 35(3): 1-27. (SCI, equal authorship)

(9)Xu, Ke, Luping Sun, Jingchen Liu, Hansheng Wang (2018).“An Empirical Investigation of Taxi Driver Response Behavior to Ride-Hailing Requests: A Spatio-Temporal Perspective,”Plos One, 13(6): e0198605. (SCI)

(10)Sun, Luping, Xiaona Zheng, Meng Su, and L. Robin Keller (2017),“Intention-Behavior Discrepancy of Foreign versus Domestic Brands in Emerging Markets: The Relevance of Consumer Prior Knowledge.”Journal of International Marketing, 25(1): 91-109. (SSCI)

(11)Cai, Yujie, Jian Han, Siqing Peng, and Luping Sun* (2016),“Volunteer High Performance Work Systems and Service Performance: An Empirical Study of Beijing Olympic Volunteers.”Frontiers of Business Research in China, 10(4): 605-635. (通讯作者)

(12)Su, Meng, Xiaona Zheng, and Luping Sun (2014),“Coupon Trading and Its Impacts on Consumer Purchase and Firm Profits,”Journal of Retailing, 90(1):40-61. (SSCI, equal authorship)

(13)Ma, Yingying and Luping Sun (2014),“To Bid or Not to Bid? - Keyword Selection in Paid Search Advertising,”Asia Marketing Journal, 16(3): 23-33.

(14)Wang, Xia, Luping Sun, and Hean Tat Keh (2013),“Consumer Responses to Variety in Product Bundles: The Moderating Role of Evaluation Mode,”International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30(4), 335-342. (SSCI, equal authorship)

(15)Wang, Ping, Luping Sun*, and Luluo Peng (2013),“Modeling Product Attitude Formation Process in Online Word-of-Mouth,”Nankai Business Review International, 3(4): 212-229. (通讯作者)










(1)Luping Sun,Short-term and long-term effects of personalized online product recommendations: evidence from a field experiment,2017营销科学与应用国际论坛,2017年7月,湖南长沙



(4)唐燕飞、孙鲁平,大数据驱动的企业“杀熟”策略与消费者信任——基于感知公平的视角,2019年JMS中国营销科学学术年会暨博士生论坛 ,2019年10月,成都

(5)Zheng, Xiaona, Luping Sun, and Andy Tsay (2016),“How Does the Manufacturer Undercut the Collusive Retailers? The Strategic Role of Direct Channel Entry,”INFORMS Marketing Science 2016, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

(6)Zheng, Xiaona, Luping Sun, and Meng Su (2014),“Intention-Behavior Discrepancy for Foreign versus Domestic Brands and Product Knowledge: Evidence from China Automobile Industry,”The Annual Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy 2014 Conference, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.

(7)Wang, Ping, Luping Sun, and Meng Su (2014),“Capturing the Unobserved Comparison Effect in Consumer Choices: A Fixture of Experts Model,”2014 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, Sogang University, Souel, South Korea. (Honorable Research Paper Award)

(8)Sun, Luping, Ping Wang, and Meng Su (2011).“Understanding the Dynamic Process of Online Word-of-Mouth: A HB Choice Model for Online Response Behavior,”2011 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Houston, USA.

(9)Zhao, Zhanbo, Luping Sun, and Meng Su (2012),“How to Increase Online Visits and Sales? An Empirical Study on the Consumer-to-Consumer Online Stores”,In proceedings of 2012 International Joint Conference on Service Sciences, 130-133. Shanghai, China. (EI检索)

(10)Wang, Ping, Luping Sun, and Luluo Peng (2010),“Modeling Product Attitude Formation Process in Online Word-of-Mouth,”2010 Annual Conference of China Marketing Science, Beijing, China.



(1)李季、杜晓梦、孙鲁平、姚凯 ,中国消费金融品牌口碑指数研究(2018),经济管理出版社,2019.09

(2)李季、孙鲁平、姚凯,中国消费金融品牌口碑指数研究,经济管理出版社 ,2018.06

(3)赵占波、孙鲁平、赵江波,市场营销学(原书第13版) ,机械工业出版社,2019.05






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