组织与人力资源管理系 FACULTY
组织与人力资源管理系 FACULTY












·副教授 2020.11至今

·讲师   2017.9-2020.11


·研究助理 2016-2017

·教学助理 2013-2016


·研究助理 2016-2017

















Li, R., Zhang, H.,Zhu, X., Li, N. (in press).Does employee humility Foster performance and promotability? Exploring the mechanisms of LMX and peer network centrality in China.Human ResourceManagement.(FT 50 Journal)

Jiang, F., Lu, S., Wang, H.,Zhu, X.& Lin, W.(In press). The Roles of Leader Empowering Behavior and Employee Proactivity in Daily Job Crafting: A Compensatory Model.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Jiang, F., Lu, S.,Zhu, X.*, & Song, X. (In press).Brightening Your Day or Bumming You Out? How Social Media Usage Affects the Relationship Between Conflict and Job Performance.Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources.

Man, X.,Zhu, X.*, Sun., C. (2020). The Positive Effect of Workplace Accommodation on Creative Performance of Employees with and Without Disabilities.Frontiers in Psychology,11, 1-11.

Zhu, X.,Law, K. S., Sun, T. C., & Yang, Dan. (2019).Thriving ofemployees with disabilities: The role of job self-efficacy, inclusion, and team learning climate.Human ResourceManagement,58, 21-34. (FT 50 Journal)

Chong, M. P.,Zhu, X.*, Fu, P., & Wong, L. Y. S. (2019). Influence strategies and work outcomes: effects of attributions.Chinese Management Studies,13(4), 967-984.

Cui, H., Chen, C., Zhang, Y., &Zhu, X. (2019). Managerial ability and stock price crash risk.Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics,26(5), 532-554.

Shang, Y., Chong, M. P., Xu, J., &Zhu, X*. (2019). Authentic leadership and creativity in China: The role of students’ regulatory-focused behaviors and supervisors’ power sources.Thinking Skills and Creativity,34, 1-15.

Chong, M. P., Shang, Y., Richards, M., &Zhu, X. (2018). Two sides of the same coin? Leadership and organizational culture.Leadership & Organization Development Journal,39(8), 975-994.

Zhu, X., & Lin, B. (2018, July). Acceptance of Disability and Help-seeking Behaviors: From an Attachment Perspective. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 16656). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Li, J.,Zhu, X., Li, X., Chattopadhyay, P., & George, E. 2017. Gain or pain: How disability severity affects the impacts of climate for inclusion. In Guclu Atinc(Ed.),Proceedings of the Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

Yang, D., Sun, T. C, &Zhu, X.2017.Get resource from work and engage in voice: how and why person-environment fit affects voice behavior.In Guclu Atinc(Ed.),Proceedings of the Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

周正兵,朱曦济.创意经济时代的电影合同构造——以“兄弟”对赌为例.当代电影,2020(4): 106-111.

汪川,陈晓霞,朱曦济.年龄结构与企业家精神:基于中国省级数据的实证分析.当代经济研究. 2014(7):76-81.

满向昱,朱曦济,陈健.能源投资统计指标体系研究.统计研究. 2013;30(11):25-29.

满向昱,朱曦济,李程宇.新形势下视力残疾人就业问题研究.残疾人研究.2013(2): 57-60.

满向昱,朱曦济,郑志聪.新兴市场国家外汇储备适度规模研究.国际金融研究. 2012(3):40-47.



Zhu, X,Yang, D., Sun, T.C., & Lin, B. (2019, August).How People with Disabilities Respond to Discrimination and the Consequences.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 79thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.


Yang, D.,Zhu, X., Sun, T, C., & Jiang, F.(2019, August).Perspective Taking May Hurt Employees with Disabilities: A Stigmatized Target-Centric Approach to Understanding Perspective Taking and Stereotype Threat.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 79thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.


Zhu, X., & Lin, B. (2018, August).Acceptance of Disability and Help-seeking Behaviors: From an Attachment Perspective.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 78thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.


Zhu, X.,&Sun, T. C.(2017, August).The positive effect of workplace accommodation on creative performancefor employees with and without disabilities.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 77thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta,GA.

Li, J.,Zhu, X*., Li, X., Chattopadhyay, P, & George, E. (2017, August).Gain or pain: how disability severity affects the impacts of climate for inclusion.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 77thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta,GA. (Selected as Best Paper in GDO division)

Yang, D., Sun, T. C, &Zhu, X.(2017, August).Get resource from work and engage in voice: how and why person-environment fit affects voice behavior.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 77thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta,GA. (Selected as Best Paper in OBdivision)


Zhu, X.,Law, K. S., Sun, T. C., & Yang, D. (2017, June).Fuel thriving for employees with disabilities: The role of job self-efficacy, inclusion, and team learning climate.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 9thBiennial Conference of the Asia Academy of Management, Fukuoka.

Yang, D.,Zhu, X.,& Sun, T.C. (2016, August).Discovering the hidden potential: How multiple identities of employees with disabilities affect their voice behavior.Paper presented in atraditionalpaper session at the 76thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.

Lin, B., Chen, X., &Zhu, X.(2016, August).Consistent or Inconsistent Acts after Doing Good Deeds? A Preliminary Test of a Moral Elasticity Quotient.Paper presented in a traditional paper session at the 76thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.

Chong,P. M.,Fu, P. P., &Zhu, X.(2015, August).Influence Behaviors and Organizational Outcomes: Targets of Attributions.Paper presentedin apapersession at the 75thmeeting of Academy of Management,Vancouver, BC.

Zhu, X.,Fu, P. P., & Mai, K. (2015, June).Contamination or transformation? The impact of coworkers’ unethical behavior on newcomers.Paper presentedin a roundtable session at the meeting of Asian Academy of Management, Hong Kong.

Sun, T. C.,Zhu, X.,& Yu, G. (2014, August). Personal values:The intrinsic power to voice. In P. P. Fu (Chair),Latestdevelopments inpersonalvaluesresearch in the Chinesecontext.Professional Development Workshop conducted at the 74thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management,Philadelphia,PA.

Yu, G., Fu, P. P., Qu, Q., Sun, T. C., &Zhu, X.(2014, August). Chinese value orientations and their structure:Refining the instrument and rationalizing the theory. In P. P. Fu (Chair),Latestdevelopments inpersonalvaluesresearch in the Chinesecontext.Professional Development Workshop conducted at the 74thAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management,Philadelphia,PA.

Sun, T. C.,Zhu, X.,Fu, P. P.,Yu, G., &Qu, Q. (2014, June).Chineseuniversitystudents’valueprofiles andtheircareerchoices.Paper presentedin a roundtable session at the6thBiennial Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research, Beijing.

Zhu, X.,Egri, C. P.,Sun, T. C.,Fu, P. P.,Yu, G.,Qu, Q., &Liu, J. (2014, June).Benefits ofbusinessmoralvalues: Itsinteractioneffect withpsychologicalcapital onwork-familyconflict.Paper presented in a roundtable session at the 6thBiennial Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research, Beijing.

Man, X,Zhu, X., & Zheng, Z. (2012, June).Comparative study of Chinese and foreign social security system for persons with disability(In Chinese). Paper presented in the International Forum on “Remove Obstacles and Promotion Integration on June 14, 2012, Beijing.










·International Journalof Human Resource Management2018至今

·Human Recourse Management Review2018至今

·Human Resource Management 2019至今

·Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources2019至今






·高级调查分析师(国家统计局/教育部证书) 2012至今



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